About Us

Welcome to Risun Semiconductor Limited !

We Aim to Make Manufacturers Around the World Get Support of Reliable Brand Electronic Components. Explore Now to View the Stock from RisunSemi.

Who Are We

Risun Semiconductor, established in 2004, was founded by experienced electronic components Expert & Broker – Mr. ZhiGang Yang. We are committed to distributing a wide range of genuine, high-quality electronic components. 

Our Mission

What We Search

Experts Profile

Why Choose Us?

RisunSemi Helps You Solve Various Problems in Sourcing Electronic Components.

The quality of Obsolete components varies greatly. After 20 years of analyzing suppliers, RisunSemi has selected high-quality brands for you. We source parts from the original factory or agent company exclusively to ensure the authenticity of your components.

Within 20 years, lots of excellent industrial customers’ application cases indicated purchasing from RisunSemi can help them succeed. We cooperate with brilliant suppliers and continuously try to solve the problems customers face and enhance their value.

Ensuring it is profitable is one of the most challenging and unstable problems in sourcing components. Our selected brands achieve the quality of first-class brands at a relatively low price. It will be addictive to try to purchase once!

Most of the listed products are in stock (we could get components within two days if they are in temporary shortage). For high-level customers, RisunSemi provides vendor managed inventory program to meet your needs for on-time delivery. The plan also avoids discontinuation due to out-of-stock.

Price and inventory fluctuations in the electronic components market are frequent, and obtaining market forecasts early allows you to make the right decisions. RisunSemi communicates with original factories or agents regularly and sends the information obtained in advance to customers in need to help them manage inventory.

Please download the component datasheets to make sure the parameters meet your requirements. If you have any particular questions, email us, and RisunSemi would answer them within 24 hours. Our technical engineers will assist you in time if any problems occur during production or testing.

Quality is NOT to be Negotiated!

RisunSemi is most concerned about the quality of the electronic components we sell.

In addition to strictly controlling supply channels and obtaining original shipment documents from suppliers, RisunSemi also needs to do as follow:

1 According to the testing standards, RisunSemi judges whether the packaging and printing of components are correct and whether the pins are tinned and oxidized. Visual inspection allows us to rule out counterfeit refurbishment, sanding and recoating.

2 X-ray testing is a real-time non-destructive analysis to check the internal conditions of components, mainly to check chip lead frame, wafer size, and gold wire bonding pattern. RisunSemi conducts X-ray sampling inspection on parts to ensure the packaging process.

3 The function test is to design a particular test circuit according to the datasheet, input the signal source to the sample, and analyze the signal’s logical relationship and the waveform’s changing state to detect the component’s functional characteristics.


Risun Semiconductor’s Achievements

Satisfied Customers
Qualified Suppliers
Industries Serving
1 K+
Component Products

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